One Room Challenge: Week 2


I’ve still been rounding up items for the room, and the drapery fabric has arrived.  Unfortunately, I don’t have too much eye candy to share today.  Admittedly, aside from the linen drapes I have planned and a secret DIY project I have in mind, the room mostly needs some fluffing in the form of pillows, accessories, artwork, etc.  My number 1 go-to place for that stuff is always Home Goods.  As luck would have it, though, on my trip last week I found 5 perfect pieces for my house – yet none of them are for this space!  Of course, I still bought them, but my hunt for the One Room Challenge continues.

{Instagram: @thekimcollective}

In the meantime, I had a little fun whipping up a cool reversible fabric basket I may use for my etagere.  I may prefer a more understated fabric for the final design, though.  This project looks a bit more intimidating than it really is, and I was able to get this finished in under an hour.  A quick search on Pinterest led me to quite a few tutorials, but I chose one that seemed to provide the best ‘slouchy, yet structured’ result.  I just altered a few of the steps to make it easier.  I linked to that tutorial on my ORC Pinterest Board.



Let me know if you guys might be interested in a tutorial…


Click  here to see what the other participants are up to this week.

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  1. sounds like good progress! Why do I always leave HomeGoods with stuff not at all on my list….I think it’s a conspiracy. xoxo

  2. Definitely interested in tutorial. I have so much to read during these weeks I never comment and I think a lot of people feel that way but you should definitely do. Lve your look

  3. Love the HGs chair you found and the fabric basket you whipped up. I wish I could whip things up on my sewing machine…I find it takes me forever. 🙂 Good luck this week!

    1. Haha! This etagere is one of my best thrift store finds ever! The basket looks much more intimidating than it is. I’ll have a tutorial posted soon you can get one done in an hour, too. Bam. 😉

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