SCORE!: Thrifted Brass Etagere


Every time I find a great deal at the thrift store, I proclaim it as my greatest thrift find ever.  Well, in true Kim fashion, I’m here to show off my greatest thrift store find ever!
Thrift Store Etagere

This brass etagere was a whopping $15!  With all the glass included!  Even though it took me about an hour to hunt down someone who would give me a price, all while fighting off a few people who were eyeing it, I would say this beauty was well worth the trouble.

I haven’t been able to source who manufactured it, but I did some digging and found an old Lonny publication from January/February 2011 that showed this exact same etagere used by designer Hillary Thomas in Marlien Rentmeester’s home.



Pretty awesome, right?  Immediately, I set about cleaning it up.  I’m not a fan of highly polished brass, but this baby needs a good scrub.  After trying a few solutions for cutting the grime and polishing the brass, Brasso seems to work best.  I first tried a lemon juice & baking soda combo, as well as Twinkle Brass Cleaner.  Unfortunately, I still have to use a whole lot of elbow grease with the Brasso to even put a dent in the layer of thick grime & tarnish.  Every night, I’ve been scrubbing a little here & there.  As you can see below, I’m beginning to make some headway.

Thrift Store Etagere 2

You can see a bit of the before & after difference above by looking at the second shelf and the top part of the vertical bar on the left.  Once I get her all shined up, I’ll be sure to show you all how I style her.

By the way, she’s been aptly named Etta by the friend who was on guard duty while I hunted down a price at the thrift store.


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  1. I just bought two of the same ones at a used furniture store. $189 for the pair and they are in great shape with the glass — more than yours but I still think it is a steal! I’m trying to figure out who made them and what they are made of. They aren’t solid brass, since a magnet sticks to them, so I’m guessing brass-plated steel.

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