Currently: 06

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It’s been quite a while since I’ve done one of these, so I figured it’s about time.


  1. I saw this somewhere online or on Instagram and it quickly reminded me that multitasking is stupid.  Sometimes I lose focus of this and stress about trying to get “more” done, but in reality, I can only do what each 24-hour period allows.  Nothing more, nothing less.  There will be days when my to do list is filled to the brim with things, but I tell myself that I don’t have to get it all done.  I prioritize them and work on the most important things first.  If there are things left at the end of the day, so be it.  I can work those into the next day’s list or the next week’s even.  There will also be days when relaxation should be my top priority.  I cannot take care of my family, my household, my business, and my job if I don’t first take care of myself.  And I’m okay with that.  Leaving somethings unattended for a while to take care of myself is okay.  The piles of clothes and papers in my bedroom can attest to that.  😉
  1. We are finally going to start working on painting my stairwell.  We bought an adjustable ladder, so I don’t have to worry about hiring it out as a scaffolding job.  But now that its backdrop will be perfect, I’m really thinking about exactly how I want to frame my Cozamia print.  I’m considering either a floating brass frame or using this cool acrylic frame kit from Etsy.  I think I’m leaning towards using the floating frame here and the kit elsewhere, but that means I’d probably have to DIY it since a custom frame would be pretty pricey.  I could use one of those select-a-size frame kits along with a large piece of acrylic because that would be much lighter than a piece of glass that size.  Once I figure out the particulars, I’ll definitely post the project here.
  1. Speaking of Etsy…I love it.  Who doesn’t?  I browse the art & vintage stuff at least once a week.  Last week it was vintage sugar dishes and salt & pepper shakers.  This week it’s art.  Clare Elsaesser’s art, to be exact.  I’ve pinned a few of her pieces and really look forward to adding at least one to my collection.  And speaking of collection, it’s so hard not to become an art hoarder.  How do people resist?  I mean, I don’t hardly have enough walls to hang things on (yet) but I tend to want to buy everything that moves me now.  On the other hand, though, I can’t stand the thought of storing it away until I do have the space for it.
  1. I’m trying to get back into reading.  I enjoy the time spent actually using my brain, as opposed to being hypnotized by reality TV.  I have the rest of the Divergent series to finish up.  I also just treated myself to 3 new business books (yes, I do consider them a treat), so I’m well on my way.

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