The Art of Handwritten Letters
I’m beginning to feel like writing letters is a lost art. I’m one who loves great stationery and often wonder if I should invest in some for myself, but if I’m honest, how often is it that I actually sit down to write anyone a note?… Almost never. I also thought about getting a personalized stamp with my name and address, but I rarely ever even mail anything. So would there even be a point? I do enjoy receiving handwritten letters or invitations in the mail. Something about it seems very personal & intimate to me. So, at the urging of my Pastor, I decided to send a nice card to a friend I haven’t seen or spoken to in a very long while. We send the obligatory ‘Happy Birthday’ or ‘Merry Christmas’ texts but not much more than that.
This past weekend, I took a trip to the store, took some time to pick out a cute card and sat down to pen a short note for her. Nothing deep or over the top. Just a quick hello to let her know I’m thinking about her.
When was the last time you mailed someone a card to say ‘Hello’? You should try it. I’m sure it would make them smile…
Kind regargds? LOL.. all my best!
LOL. Yes, regargds…..doesn’t everybody know there’s a silent g in there??????
Love collecting notes cards and of course journal books. Kind Regards,