Spring Gardening Plans: Flowers

I know I’ve already  talked about outdoor living (and not much else as of late), but I’m just excited to start feeling the warm temps and spending more time outdoors.  After a long email chat with my gardening guru, I’ve sort of formulated a plan for my flower garden this year.  This will be my first year tackling such a project, and I’m excited to see what blooms (<<pun intended).  After receiving a lovely tulip plant from one of my husband’s customers, my wheels began turning to figure out what I can actually plant in the ground here (in zone 6) and when.

I think, for me, bulbs are surely the way to go.  However, I might be a little late to the party considering I should have planted some back in the Fall.  This Spring, I may try planting some annuals directly in the ground.  And I hope to plant some bulbs this weekend for Summer blooming.  Since we have a ton of hosta on the side and rear of our house, I want to transplant some of those to the front yard, as well.  Oh and I’m most excited about a hydrangea plant my mother-in-law bought for me!  I LOVE hydrangeas and planned to have a ton of them out front eventually.  Why not start now, right?  (except for the fact that a humongous Adam’s Needle yucca I loathe currently resides in the perfect spot for my hydrangeas.  I’ll figure something out.)


Now, all I need to do is come up with a placement plan, gather my supplies, and rustle up some free labor (aka my nephews), and I’ll be good to go.  I’ll keep you updated on my progress.


Garden Tulips

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