New Porch Colors


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Ever see those “What Does Your Door Color Say About You?” articles?  I have and while I don’t necessarily agree with their assessments, I do feel that the color of your door is important.  More important than what personality trait the color conveys, though, I think the color just has to work well with whatever is going on around it, like the siding , porch, and plant colors.  Because if all those things are going in  completely different color directions, yet your door color says you’re sweet & loving, all you really have on your hands is a hot mess.  Am I right or am I right?


We recently got a new exterior and a new storm door installed, which was kind of a spur of the moment thing, but that’s how we roll around here anyway.  I instagrammed a picture of the door going up, and I must admit that I smiled every time I walked past that door for the first week.  It’s really a great door, and though it wasn’t our first choice, it’s much better than the “first choice door” would have been.  So now we have the trying task of choosing a color for the door.  To give you some background, my house (pictured above) is beige-yellow color (with a sandy brown roof), the porch floor is maroon, while the stairs & porch base are an olive-brown color.  What does this mean?  A. Hot. Stinkin’. Mess. is what that means.


The previous owner’s porch furniture is pictured here.

In context, when you see it all together, it’s really not that bad, but I just don’t like it.

So what do we do when we don’t like things????  We change what we can!

Thus, the new door has created a bit more of a snowball effect since we’ll have to update the porch colors much sooner than we thought, but it’s cool.  We plan to replace the stair treads since the ones there have seen better days.  We’ll paint the risers & porch base white and paint the treads & porch floor a gray-leaning taupe color to tone down some of the crazy.  Then, we’ll get a little crazy with the door color!  Stay tuned for more details.

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