Goal Setting Tips

Goal Setting

When on the quest to establish new goals, my process remains the same no matter what area of focus the goals are actually for.  And that process is easy, simple, and straight to the point.   The goals can be for my spiritual journey, my professional development, my home design goals – the basic steps are still the same.  These steps work for me because they aren’t too stringent and allow me the flexibility to accomplish things on my own terms.  I’m sharing them here in hopes that this might inspire you in your goal setting process.

The first thing to do is to evaluate what has happened in the past. What things worked? What things didn’t work? Which tasks did you drop the ball on? And which things were you able to successfully complete? From there, we can determine what the focus of these new goals should be and how to tailor our actions to ensure we can successfully complete the goals in the future.

For example, if I’m working on the goal of instituting a chore system for my children, the process would go something like this:
1. Determine how we have instituted chores in the past. – Simply telling the kids on a day-to-day basis what needs to get done.
2. Assess if that system worked and/or how we can make it better. – There were days/weeks that have gone by with no chores completed because it wasn’t established as a daily habit.
3. How can we make the process better? – We can make this a daily habit by providing them with a chore chart that outlines the specific tasks required each day.
4. How do I ensure the kids adhere to the new chore system? – Offer the incentive of an allowance (paid weekly or bi-weekly) for the completion of a specified number of chores each week. Also, tap into their competitive nature by providing them a visual chart to actually see the progress they’re making throughout the week.

Using this simple outline, we can begin the process of setting out to successfully complete our goals. And because life is unpredictable and we’re human, it’s always important to remember that it’s okay for goals to change. It’s okay to tweak the rules as you go. As long as the goal is accomplished in the end, it doesn’t matter how many shifts or changes we take along the way to get there.

Leave a comment down below letting me know what you go-to goal setting advise is.   Or if you’re new to setting goals, do you think this simple process would be helpful for you?

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