Currently: 02
It’s been a little while since I’ve blogged about anything, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to catch you all 2 of my readers up on what’s going on in my neck of the woods…..
LOVING: I’m really into lipstick lately…..I know. I know. Big deal. But it is kind of a big deal considering I’ve owned a million tubes of the stuff my entire adult life, yet I’m just now beginning to appreciate it. Maybe it’s because I’m becoming ‘a woman of a certain age’ (i.e., getting older) or maybe it’s just because I’m a little bored with the makeup I use regularly. Whatever the reason, I’m really digging it – maybe even enough to do a little write-up on my faves. We shall see.
WORKING ON: I’ve decided to put a bit more effort into my blog and have been considering branding of some sort. I know it may sound a bit extreme for a blog that’s really just a hobby right now, but I figure I might as well put those awesome marketing skills I learned in graduate school to good use. I’ll be sure to document a bit of the process here.
THINKING ABOUT: A few new business ventures have piqued my interest lately. Time will only tell if any of them are going to be fruitful, but I’m willing to go along for the ride. I’ve also decided to start formulating an expansion plan for my current business so we can take that to the next level. Now, if only I can somehow get a few more hours into each day to actually work on this stuff. How many of us couldn’t benefit from having 27 hours in a day instead of 24???
WATCHING: I recently watched Food Matters, and it pretty much blew my mind! This movie has been on my radar for some time, along with Food, Inc., Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead, and a host of others, but I’ve finally gotten the chance to sit down and really digest it. There were some really good points made and eye-opening realizations for me. I highly recommend it! I’m also reading The China Study right now, and it’s equally inspiring.