Getting back into the swing of the New Year! Here’s what we’ve been up to lately around here…
This week’s read, Becoming by Michelle Obama. Correction: it’ll probably take me well into February to finish it but who’s counting. I’m in no rush…
Still plugging away at my daughter’s bedroom makeover. We took a few weeks off around the holidays, but now we’re back at it. We still need to touch up the trim and to buy a few functional & styling pieces for the space, but she’s moved in and loving it!
I recently posted some tips for setting goals and resolutions for the New Year. Check it out here.
During the leftover holiday mess, a clean living room seemed so far away! This is a throwback post of when my home had seen cleaner days.
I shared my go-to matcha latte recipe on Instagram. You can see it in the highlights on my profile.
Starting the year off right with new planners! I decided to compartmentalize my planners by having one for each category. Having them all in one planner last year started feeling quite a bit overwhelming, so I’m switching it up a bit. We’ll see how this goes…