2014 Agendas & Calendars
How is it December already??!! 2014 is right around the corner and any well organized person knows this is the time to stock up on your calendars & agendas.
I haven’t used an agenda for quite some time. I mostly relied on a note taking system where I’d just keep a perpetual to do list and cross things off as I got to them. This certainly works well for me, but I’m realizing I need to incorporate a calendar AND to do lists broken down by category, like work, kids, business, blog, meals, etc.
In my research, it sounds like I’d either have to go with a printable/customizable option, or I’ll have to just draft one up myself in photoshop. (Add that to the never ending to do list.) And because I’d also like to have the option to add to it at my leisure, I’d need to invest in some kind of expandable binder system. Oy vey…
But for those of you able to pick up something “off the rack”, here are some amazing options out right now.
The Simplified Planner / I Heart Organizing / The Day Designer
I’m always a fan of great looking calendars because I like the idea of being able to frame the artwork once the year is over. These are a couple I’m loving right now.
Snow & Graham / Paper Source / Rifle Paper Co.
Only three and a half more weeks left in 2013. I guess I should put my order in soon!
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