Happy New Year!!!
A new year always makes me excited for a fresh start. Even though the day-to-day tasks remain the same, this is always a great time to assess what’s worked in the past and what I want to improve on for the future. I’m not one for resolutions because I think in some weird way that speaking your goals can sometimes jinx them for yourself. I have no scientific proof of this or even examples of this happening in my own life, but for whatever reason, I think specific resolutions are meant to be broken. Almost like it’s a surefire way to set yourself up for failure.
Instead, I like to focus on ways to improve myself overall. For instance, instead of saying ‘I’d like to workout 4 times a week’, I would say ‘I’d like to make my health a daily priority’. For me, there’s a big difference between the two of those things. The second goal helps me keep things in perspective on a daily basis because there’s really no way I’d keep a running tally of the number of times I workout.
With all that said, I really do think 2014 will be a major year for me. I’m not exactly sure how, but I’m claiming it now! I have some great ideas for self improvement, new business ventures I’m finally ready to launch, and a renewed outlook on my current projects.
2014 is going to be MAJOR!!!
Who’s with me? How do you set goals for yourself?