Photo A Day: Week 3
1/13/13: We had a princess birthday party to attend today, which made me realize my daughter’s birthday is quickly approaching so I need to hurry up and plan something.
1/14/13: Starting P90X….again. It’s grueling and time consuming (75-90 minute workouts!!!) but so worth it when I can easily bust out a million (yes, 1 million) non-girly pushups by the end.
1/15/13: I’m really not sure what setting I was testing when I took this photo, but I really like the photo for some reason. This is my little drop zone area in my bedroom, and that is my favorite scarf to wear this winter.
1/16/13: Relaxing evening at home with one of my favorite candles.
1/17/13: Sweet treat at work for 3pm tea time. (Photo taken on my iPhone.)
1/18/13: Quick breakfast at work. Needless to say, I was starving by 11am! (Photo taken on my iPhone.)
1/19/13: We took a hike through a nearby reservation, and this sign made me smile. Unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance to see any horses up close and personal, which made my little Ballerina a bit sad. I see horseback riding lessons in our near future….
[…] cookies/cake in the house would have been a recipe for disaster. I’m on my P90X kick, remember? Instead, I decided to Google recipes for quick single-serving desserts. And I came across this […]