Detox Baths


I’ve never really been a bath kind of person, let alone a detox bath kind of person.  I definitely never come out of a bath feeling any cleaner than when I went in considering you’re just sitting in water, but I’ve started really appreciating the way they help me rid stress (and I just take a quick shower after).  I started taking them back in the Winter when I had a terrible stomach bug & vowed to take at least one a week because they really did help me feel better overall.  I slept better, was able to relax easier, and used it as a great way to unwind and detach from the world a bit.

Detox Bath


In doing some research, I learned that adding Epsom salts and essential oils to the tub can have some added health benefits for everyone, especially kids.  My usual recipe is to add about a cup of salts to very warm bath water, along with 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil and 5-10 drops of another essential oil, like eucalyptus if I need a decongestant, rosemary for increased circulation, and lemon or orange just for the nice smell.  I’m sure there are many other oils you can add, but these are some of the ones I have on hand and feel best benefit me.  A quick search on Google will give you more info on all the types of essential oils available.  It’s also important to note that Epsom salt is a great way to give your body the magnesium it needs, as well as to relax the muscles.  Read more about the benefits magnesium salt baths here.

I’m just getting back into incorporating detox baths into my routine and thought you might like to try it too.

“Relax Relate Release”…(name that show)

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One Comment

  1. There are few things more relaxing than a good soak in the tub! Or as my Grandma says “taking a tubby”!

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